Anguilla's large Exclusie Economic Zone is mostly not patrolled. We are working on a plane to patrol it.

We now have our own RC runway.

We our working through a series of planes:

  1. Conscendo Evolution we are flying this to get practice with line of sight flying
  2. Ranger 2400 this is put together and we will install FPV camera (first person view) and flight control computers
  3. Multiplex Lentus 3m very low drag foam plane for longer flight times
Other planes we may use:
  1. Finesse Max Composite 4 meter electric sailplane
  2. Albatross Composite UAV we might use - can fly 4 hours
  3. Ventus-2CX 4.8 meter
  4. a self launch 6 meter
  5. ICARE Scale Gliders over 4m
  6. Chocofly Note 7 meter can self launch and the 7.5 meter Diana2 can also self launch and assembly looks fast.
  7. Soaring USA Scale Sailplanes
  8. Multiplex RC GFC models
  9. scale
  10. Baudis current production and new

Other pages

  1. Safety. We have some plans for safety and will work more on this important issue before we make long flights.
  2. Distance Logic of why we think we can go the distance we need.
  3. Weight of some of the parts
  4. Misc Mostly links to other places
  5. AI we will eventually do some onboard AI to reduce bandwidth needs
  6. range calculator for battery powered planes